Cucurbit Pest - Squash, Gourds & Pumpkins

Pest Pest

The squash vine borer feed on winter squash, gourds and pumpkins and cause substantial damage. A GDD-based prediction method can help save crops, since an infestation does not become apparent until after plants have sustained substantial damage. Infested vines usually die beyond the point of attack due to wilting of vines.

The presence of insect can be identified if sawdust like frass near the base of the plant is observed, yellow brown excrement can be also observed in a hole on the stem where wilting starts. The larvae are small caterpillar (2.5 cm long) with brown heads and cream colored bodies. The adults are stout, dark gray moths with 'hairy' red hind legs.

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Squash Vine Borer
Source: Clemson University - USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series,
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Squash Vine Borer Damage
Source: Alton N. Sparks, Jr., University of Georgia,

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