Tomato Diseases & Pests

Tarnished Plant Bug

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Tarnished plant bugs (TPB) infest tomatoes and several field crops, vegetables and fruits in Ontario. The insect is sporadic, having several generations and present in the entire growing season. TPB moves to tomato plants from other crops from adjacent fields. Adults are highly mobile, and often move from adjacent crops. Adults are small, oval, brownish-black (6 - 6.5 mm) with yellow a triangular area on each wing. Nymphs are most damaging to crops. Nymphs are smaller than adults and green in color, similar to aphids in appearance.

Large Image
Tarnished Plant Bug Adult
Source: University of Georgia Archive, University of Georgia,
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Tarnished Plant Bug Life Cycle
Source: Scott Bauer, USDA Agricultural Research Service,

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