Diseases & Pests of Carrot, Celery, Parsnip & Lettuce
Celery Foliar Blight
Foliar blight of celery is caused by two fungi, Septoria and Cercospora. The early blight is caused by Cercospora and late blight is caused by Septoria. Small circular or angular spot appeared at first and extensive damage occurs once the diseases progress. Small, black, and round fruit bodies appear once the symptom advanced. High humid or wet period due to rain, dew, fog or sprinkler irrigation above 15°C temperature favors the disease epidemics. The disease is seed-borne and contaminated celery seed is the primary source of inoculum for late blight. Both early and late blight pathogens survive in the previous year’s crop residues.
** Site-specific weather-based advisory and decision support tools for fungicide timing is available to registered users. Registration is FREE.
VEGtools.ca Reports
Jul 17, 2015
Site-specific Late Blight Advisory for Ontario Tomato Growers
Jul 02, 2015
How to access TOMcast™ and other crop management tools at www.vegtools.ca?
Jul 25, 2018
Downy mildew found in Michigan Cucumbers in 2018
Jun 20, 2018
Late Blight Found in New York State on Tomato
Mar 28, 2018
CAP Funding for Horticultural Growers